The Solution is Not Ghettos


Deep Space Nine's prediction of 2024 San Francisco is a bit closer to 2019 San Francisco than we would like. Tandarans holding Suliban in detention centers may have been an allegory to Japanese internment, but 2019 USA has its own modern take. Join Ryan and Becca as we discuss why it's never a good idea to detain entire groups of people. We discuss Deep Space Nine episodes "Past Tense (Parts 1 & 2)" and Enterprise episode "Detained."

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What We Watched

Past Tense

Part 1 - Memory Alpha

Part 2 - Memory Alpha


Memory Alpha


On Concentration Camps and Detention Centers

The Thousands of Children Who Go to Immigration Court Alone via The Atlantic

I’m a Jewish historian. Yes, we should call border detention centers “concentration camps.” via Vox

Japanese Americans at Manzanar via National Park Service 


Homelessness in San Francisco and the United States

History of how many people are homeless in the Bay Area via ABC 7 News

Trump Says Homeless People Are Making Cops Sick “Walking the Beat” in Cockamamie Assessment of U.S. Cities via Slate


Militarization of Police and the Police State

The Militarization of America's Police: A Brief History via Foundation for Economic Education

Police killings do not spark outrage the way the Bell Riots supposedly did/will... see Mapping Police Violence for a LOT of depressing data.

Arizona's "show me your papers" law: SB 1070 in 2018: What are Our Rights? via ACLU Arizona

Facial recognition scanners are already at some US airports. Here's what to know via USA Today


Lt. Travis Mayweather

Anthony Montgomery on "Detained" via Memory Alpha Detained (episode) > Background

"I was really excited about that one. It had nothing to do with Travis being a boomer at all; he got to learn a lot about Human compassion. I didn't want it to sound preachy, because it's really easy to fall into that trap, but everything just comes across as being passionate. I love the fact that they had Travis be the one to have the debate about prejudice, considering that African Americans are prejudged more often than not. That was a really special episode for me, and not just because they gave me work to do."

"When Star Trek: Enterprise was first conceived, Travis Mayweather was intended to be a lieutenant, due to his experience in space. His rank was changed to ensign because the producers thought that having Mayweather and the older Lieutenant Malcolm Reed at a similar rank wouldn't be believable." from Travis Mayweather via Academic Kids


"Lizard People" is Anti-Semitic Code

The Alice Walker anti-Semitism controversy, explained via Vox



She's a Killer Queen


Klingon Family Values